"I kissed your lips and when your face looked sad it made me think about him and that you still loved him so. But you know that pretty soon I made you feel glad that you belonged to me and love began to show"

"I keep looking for a place to fit where i can speak my mind. I've been trying hard to find the people that i won't leave behind ... Sometimes i feel very sad, sometimes i feel very sad. I guess I just wasn't made for these times"
"Where did your long hair go, where is the girl i used to know, how could you lose that happy glow Oh, Caroline no. Who took that look away, I remember how you used to say you'd never change, but that's not true Oh, Caroline you"
"I know so many people who think they can do it alone. They isolate their heads and stay in their saftey zones. Now what can you tell them and what can you say that won't make them defensive. I know there's an answer, I know now but i have to find it by myself"
" If you should ever leave me well life would still go on believe me, the world could show nothing to me so what good would living do me. God only knows what i'd be without you"
Dudo que en la historia del rock and roll haya disco mas remecedoramente abierto (e intenso a la vez) como este. Para mí tiene todo lo que busco en la expresión artística y humana. Y si bien los Beatles y los Rolling Stones son mis 2 bandas favoritas, sin el Pet Sounds de los Beach Boys mi mundo estaría incompleto. (Como sin la coca-cola, la carne y la cerveza)
A ver escuchen esto, putos. Con el resto de la banda en pleno proceso creativo

And after all i've done to you, how can it be you still believe in me. Sigue vivo Brian Wilson, sacándole cachita a la vida
2 comentarios:
gracias a ti le pedi a mi tia de usa q me regale por navidad el pet sounds. te acuerdas q en aquel diciembre del 2004 teniamos q hacer una trabajo del cole en tu casa y cuando llegue te dije amigo mio mira lo q mi tia me ha mandado y abrimos juntos ese disco tan invaluable, tan espiritual y nostalgico y tb tan esperanzador como tu dices, lo cual se reflejan desde el titulo de sus canciones (I KNOW THERE'S AN ANSWER, YOU STILL BELIEVE IN ME, GOD ONLY KNOWS, y posiblemente esta es una de mis favoritas I JUST WASN'T MADE FOR THIS TIMES)
definitivamente este disco es una de las joyas mas valiosas q he encontrado y eso gracias a ti dante, companero inseparable, espero poder en estos dias dejar de ser algo ingrato e ir a visitarte q es algo q en serio me gustaria mucho pero hasta la fecha no lo he hecho aun.
ya nos estamos viendo amigo mio cuidate mucho
tu amigo gonzalo
Muy acertado tu comentario Pascualín. Claro que recuerdo esa magnífica experiencia. A ver cuando te caes por mi casa para brindar.
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